Family Solicitor Central Coast
We recognise the importance of family and endeavour to protect it where possible. Our family solicitors are on hand to discuss any matrimonial, child, or financial issues you’re experiencing.
Family disputes can be a difficult time in your life, and that’s why we recommend having an unbiased lawyer available throughout the process to negotiate any agreements.
From property settlements to consent orders, choose to work with our experts at Spencer Lawyers.
Divorce Lawyers on the Central Coast
Divorce can be a complex and confusing for all parties involved – especially children and dependants.
Australian law dictates that you must provide evidence that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. This can be evidenced where partners have separated or lived apart at least 12 months before filing for a divorce.
We can assist you to ensure all necessary documents are completed in due course so that your divorce hearing runs smoothly and with minimal interruptions.
That way, you can start your new journey after the legal process as soon as possible. Please feel free to call us today to organise a consultation so that we can discuss your specific situation and get the process started today.
Parenting Agreements Central Coast
When a marriage or de facto relationship breaks down, there can be disputes regarding child arrangements. These disputes are usually around which child the parent will live with and under what circumstances the child spends time with the other parent.
If you’re struggling to communicate with your partner on these issues, a family lawyer can help to dissolve any tension and push for an agreement that can be agreed to.
We liaise with families to determine whether informal or formal arrangements are a more suitable option, and carry out proceedings accordingly.
At Spencer Lawyers, we offer you advice that is easy to understand so that you can make the right decisions. We are always available to help you prepare documents prior to discussions.
In the event that an agreement is not settled upon, we will proceed with out-of-court methods – such as negotiation or mediation – or commence Court proceedings where appropriate.
Are you ready to start? You can get in touch with us today for more information.

What Exactly Is A De Facto Relationship?
There is no legal definition of a de facto relationship, but it generally involves a relationship between two parties who live together on a domestic basis. These parties are not legally married and can be of the same or opposite sex. They also are not blood-related.
How Does A Court Determine Which Parent The Child Should Live With?
There are no fixed terms when it comes to child custody as each case is considered on an individual basis. They make their decision based on the interests of the child.
Some factors that are considered include who has a more meaningful relationship with the child, the phycological and physical protection of the child, and the views of the child themselves along with other persons or relatives.
Are There Any Time Limits And Family Proceedings?
Spousal maintenance or property settlements need to be resolved within 12 months after a Divorce has been obtained. In the case of exceptional circumstances, you must seek leave of the Court.
If you’re making a financial claim related to a de facto relationship, this must be within two years after the relationship has ended.